lyssnar på...

Pink av alla jävla artister. Jag förstår inte hur hon väljer sina singlar, de låtar på hennes album som inte ges ut som singlar är genomgående mycket bättre. 

Stood by the exit door of the hotel café
He was playing with his band
Always been a sucker had a weakness for a boy with a guitar and a drink in his hand
His words were like heaven in my hurricane and my knees buckled under
You were mine
In the back of my mind
Oh just for one night
Just for a while

There's always one that gets away
The one that sneaks up on you that slips away

Two weeks later I was sitting in his apartment
He was making cappuccino
I said what kind of man makes cappuccino
We laughed
We laughed
We laughed
We laughed 'til tears ran down my face

You were mine
Somewhere in time
I'll look for you first
In my next life


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